
Announcements — June 5, 2011

REMEMBER IN PRAYER  Sharon R., at Freeman Hospital;  Raymond S., Pastor & Mary’s brother, undergoing further tests on his spinal cord; the victims of the tornado and those responding to help.

TORNADO HELP  Work crews are being formed to help with cleanup efforts for those effected by the tornado.  This involves cleaning up debris, removing fallen trees, etc. 
  Volunteers are needed at the resource center at Martin Luther  School that involves sorting donations, setting up supplies and helping   families find what they need.
  Meals are needed from time to time, so if you can help with food  preparation, please let us know.
  Cash donations are always needed.  You can give through the con-  gregation and we will direct it to where you want it to go.
  Use the sign up sheets in the Narthex to indicate how you can help.

FEMA INFORMATION  If you know of someone in need, there are brochures on the table in the narthex with more extensive information on how to apply for assistance.  There is also a flyer giving information about disaster unemployment assistance. 

SOFTBALL  The co-ed team plays at 8:30 on Monday evening.  The Tuesday night men’s team will play at 8:30.


THE OVER-50 GOOD SHEPHERDS will meet this Thursday evening at 6:00.

GUEST PASTOR  The Rev. Dr. David Johns will be our guest Pastor next Sunday while Pastor & Gerry attend a family wedding in the Minneapolis, Minnesota, area. 

ASSISTIVE LISTENING  If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.  We have had reports and words of thanks from folks being blessed by this outreach ministry.      

TAPES OF THE SERVICE  Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.  Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are available in the narthex after each service.  You will be given a small form that can be carried in your wallet which will include medical information and a log of your blood pressure readings.

ALTAR FLOWERS  You may place your order for altar flowers through Diana E.  The cost will be $25.00.  You can also order from Countryside Flowers and Third Day Creations in Diamond.  Any questions, give Diana a call.

Tornado Relief

The May 22 devastating EF-5 tornado that hit Joplin will have a very lasting impact on us all for a very long time.  It definitely has impacted the lives of at least four of our families here at Good Shepherd who lost their homes on that very warm Sunday evening:  Steve & Karen G., Jordan K. and baby Ezekiel, Sharon R. and David & Nancy W.  We are so very thankful that you are safe!!!

Immanuel Lutheran, in Joplin, suffered some damage to the parsonage, the school, and to the church.  At least 34 families from its congregation lost their home or suffered major damage.

Peace Lutheran, whose house of worship was totally destroyed, had 12 families directly affected by the storm.

We are thankful to each and everyone of you who has given of your time, your money, and your prayers to help support the relief effort.  All is very appreciated, important and needed!  Please continue to keep all volunteers, law enforcement and medical personnel in your prayers.

There is more to be done.  Pastor is coordinating the efforts for the outside clean up of the families affected, along with Lutheran Disaster Relief, a division of Lutheran Church Charities. If you can help with this large undertaking, please call the church office, 358-1325.  Help will also be needed in the Resource Center that is set up at Martin Luther School.  In addition, meals are served there each day and they can always use help with serving and clean up.  Preparation of food is also a great need.  Contact the church office to find out when you can help in that area.  Lutheran Disaster Relief is also taking monetary donations.  If you would like to help in this way, make your donation to Good Shepherd and we will see that it goes to the right place to help those affected in Joplin.

Other avenues to search for information about how you can help is to go to or call AmeriCorp by dialing 2-1-1 on your phone.

We will still be here when many of the long distance volunteers, the media, etc, have gone home.  This is our home.  We are here for the long haul.  May the Lord continue to bless our labors, so that through them, all will see God’s love, and the love we have for our neighbor.

With God, we know we will be OK!

— Copied from the June Newsletter

Announcements — May 29, 2011

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Tom D., recovering from surgery; Raymond S., Pastor & Mary’s brother, undergoing further tests on his spinal cord; the victims of the tornado and those responding to help.

JR CONFIRMATION Three of our young folks will publicly confess their faith this morning through the Rite of Confirmation and one through Holy Baptism during the late service. They are:
Jordan Alexander F., son of Jim F.
Jared Andrew G., son of Greg and Denise G.
Ashlen Anne K., daughter of Cameron and April K.
Amber Lynn M., daughter of Robert M.
We thank God for them and ask Him to bless their public confession to His glory.

GUEST SPEAKER The Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden is our guest speaker this morning for both services. He will also lead the 9:30 Bible Class. It is a walk through the Old Testament under the theme: God’s Name and Your Name. Dr. Golden is the son of Jim & Judy Golden and uncle to confirmand Jared Golden. We are glad to have him and his family here with us for this special day.

TORNADO HELP Work crews are being formed to help with cleanup efforts for those effected by the tornado. This involves cleaning up debris, removing fallen trees, etc. Volunteers will be needed at the resource center at Martin Luther School that involves sorting donations, setting up supplies and helping families find what they need.
Meals are also needed from time to time, so if you can help with food prepar- ation, please let us know.
Cash donations are always needed. You can give through the congregation and we will direct it to where you want it to go.
Use the sign up sheets in the Narthex to indicate how you can help.

SOFTBALL The Monday night co-ed team is not playing this week. The Tuesday night men’s team will play at 6:30.

BREAKFAST IN THE PARK All ladies of the congregation are invited to the annual Breakfast in the Park hosted by the LWML, Saturday, June 4, 10:00 am. Instead of meeting in the park, this year we will meet in the back yard at the home of Judy G., Carthage. In case of rain, we will gather inside the G.’s home. Children are invited to attend with their mothers. Judy G. and Corinne W. the hostesses for this always enjoyable event.

CONGREGATIONAL COOKOUT AND SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL BEACH KICK-OFF Next Sunday, June 5, after the late service, the Youth Group will have their annual congregational cook out along with the Summer Sunday School Kick-off. The day will have a beach theme so plan to dress casual. More information will be in next week’s bulletin and the June Newsletter.

LUTHERAN NIGHT-SPRINGFIELD CARDINALS Friday, June 10, is Lutheran night at the Springfield Cardinals baseball game. Tickets are $7.00 ($1 goes to Lutheran Family & Children’s Services in Springfield). Today is the last day to sign up. Jim G. is our local coordinator. Join with Lutherans throughout the southwest part of Missouri for a Springfield Cardinal game. It’s lots of fun.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.

TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. Tapes of the previous Sunday are also available.