
Announcements — January 12, 2025

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Cindy E., recovering from surgery; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† THANK YOU to everyone who has been so kind and generous to us this holiday season.  We have been blessed to receive gifts in the form of song, socks and several other types of gifts.  We feel blessed to be a part of Good Shepherd. Thank you from the Mehl family.

† 2024 OFFERING CONTRIBUTIONS  If you wish to receive a record of your GSLC charitable contributions for the 2024 tax year, please talk to Sandy D. or Denise G. or you can contact the church office, 358-1325.

† ELECTED CHURCH OFFICERS  The elected church officers for 2025 will be installed today during the service.

† LWML  Greeting Cards will be available in the Narthex on a table.  There is a large variety of cards of different occasions.  The table will be up for the month  of January 2025.  Please feel free to choose cards that you can use.

† CHURCH FOCUS QUESTIONNAIRE   With the January Newsletter was a questionnaire included about a focus for our congregation.  If you have completed it, you may put it in the blue wire basket in the narthex.  If you need a questionnaire to fill out, there are blank ones next to the wire basket.

† ALTAR FLOWERS  The 2025 flower chart still has some empty spots.  If you would like to put flowers on the altar, please sign up on the list hanging on the wall by the water fountain.  It’s a wonderful way to honor a loved one,   celebrate a special occasion, or to say “thank you, Lord” for blessings received.  You can also contact Diana E.

† LUTHERAN WITNESS  It’s about your faith, your church, your world.  If you would like to subscribe to or renew a subscription to The Lutheran Witness, please use the sign-up sheet on the round table in the narthex or give the church office a call, 358-1325. The annual cost is $20.65.  Please designate “Lutheran  Witness” if placing your payment in the offering plate.  The 2025 subscription year begins in April.

Announcements — January 5, 2025

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Cindy E., undergoing surgery this coming FridayJim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† WELCOME  Daniel Heitshusen, husband of Rachael (Eaton) Heitshusen, will be delivering today’s sermon.  He is finishing up his last year at the Seminary in St. Louis and looks forward to receiving a call to a congregation this spring.

† THANK YOU to everyone who has been so kind and generous to us this holiday season.  We have been blessed to receive gifts in the form of song, socks and several other types of gifts.  We feel blessed to be a part of Good Shepherd. Thank you from the Mehl family.

† 2024 OFFERING CONTRIBUTIONS  If you wish to receive a record of your GSLC charitable contributions for the 2024 tax year, please talk to Sandy D. or Denise G. or you can contact the church office, 358-1325.

† LWML MEETING  Kyle D. will be speaking about his time in Italy and his military church “The Refuge” at the January 7th LWML meeting.  Topic will be “Ministry to the Military: Stand with the Full Armor of God”.  Everyone and all who are interested are welcome to come.

† ELECTED CHURCH OFFICERS  The elected church officers for 2025 will be installed Sunday, January 12.

† LWML  Greeting Cards will be available in the Narthex on a table.  There is a large variety of cards of different occasions.  The table will be up for the month  of January 2025.  Please feel free to choose cards that you can use.

† TREASURER NOTE  Our expenses for 2024 totaled $237,511, while our income totaled $232,906 leaving us a deficit of $4,605.

† CHURCH FOCUS QUESTIONNAIRE   With the January Newsletter was a questionnaire included about a focus for our congregation.  If you have completed it, you may put it in the blue wire basket in the narthex.  If you need a questionnaire to fill out, there are blank ones next to the wire basket.