
“One Shepherd” — John 10:11-18

Announcements — April 21, 2024

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Cindy E., continuing her recovery; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† LUTHERAN NIGHT AT THE SPRINGFIELD CARDINALS will be held on Friday, June 14.  Game time is 7:05 pm.  If you are interested in going, please let Jim G. know, so he can get tickets reserved.

† VOTERS’ MEETING  The regular Quarterly Voters’ Meeting will be held next  Sunday, April 28, right after the service.

† THE LWML SPRING RALLY will be a trip to Branson on May 4, to see Esther. If you are interested in going or have questions please talk to Diana F. or Diana E.

† PORTAL OF PRAYER  The Spring Portals of Prayer are available on the information table in the Narthex.

† LWML QUARTERLIES  The new LWML Quarterlies for the Spring are available in the Narthex on the table outside the nursery.


Announcements — April 14, 2024

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Cindy E., continuing her recovery; Jim B., undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† ADULT BIBLE CLASS & SUNDAY SCHOOL  Ruth from Watered Gardens will be giving a presentation today during the Sunday School hour to talk about the services and ministries that Watered Gardens offers.

† THE LWML SPRING RALLY will be a trip to Branson on May 4, to see Esther. If you are interested in going or have questions please talk to Diana F. or Diana E.

† GRADUATES  In our May issue of the Shepherd’s Staff we want to recognize all those who are graduating or have graduated this school year from either high school, college, or trade school.  Please submit a photo along with a bio to the church office by April 19.

† PORTAL OF PRAYER  The Spring Portals of Prayer are available on the information table in the Narthex.

† LWML QUARTERLIES  The new LWML Quarterlies for the Spring are available in the Narthex on the table outside the nursery.