Announcements — January 27, 2013

IN OUR PRAYERS Cheryl C. and Don H., undergoing treatment for cancer.

1/27—Exodus 25-27 1/30—Exodus 32-34 2/2—Leviticus 4-7
1/28—Various 1/31—Exodus 35-40
1/29—Exodus 28-31 2/1—Leviticus 1-3

LUTHERAN MALARIA INITIATIVE LCMS is helping to diminish the deaths of children by Malaria in Africa through the Lutheran Malaria Initiative. One of the best ways to do this is providing nets to protect the children from mosquito bites. As little as $10 buys a net. You can join in this initiative by putting your donation in the offering plate and marking it Malaria Initiative. Together we will save many lives.

WINTER WONDERLAND, 70 & Over Dinner sponsored by the youth group is this evening at 5:00 pm. It’s food and entertainment for the folks and their spouses who are 70 years old and older.

SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY Next Sunday is Souper Bowl Sunday. Please bring your donated items of soup, dried beans or rice and place them in the container in the narthex or the shopping cart in the entry downstairs. Everyone wins when we team up to help! Last count: 100.

2012 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS are ready for you to pick up. They are on the round table in the narthex.

ATTENTION ALL USHERS Please pick up your schedule for 2013. An envelope with your name on it is in a box on the round table in the narthex.

SOUND SYSTEM TECHS NEEDED If you are interested in learning about and helping with the sound system equipment here at the church please contact the church office.

SOFTBALL SIGNUPS Anyone interested in playing softball, men’s league or co-ed, please use the sign up sheet available on the round table in the narthex.

BIBLE 101 Join the online study about the Bible by going to, clicking on Bible Studies and then Bible 101, fill in the user box with and put Gslc101# in the password box. You can proceed to each session at your own time and pace. Let us know how it goes.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.