Announcements — July 15, 2012

IN OUR PRAYERS  Don H., Phil T., undergoing treatment for cancer; Margaret J., recovering from a fall; Dr. David J., recovering from a broken hip; Sue V., recovering from a broken arm.

GSLC FAMILY TREE  If you have not yet done so, please use the construction paper found at the Education Station in the narthex to trace your hand and write your name in the palm.  We will see that it is cut out and placed on the GSLC Family Tree growing on the wall in the Fellowship Hall.

THE VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY will meet this evening at 7:00 pm.  All members of the congregation 18 and over are encouraged to attend and participate in conducting the business of our church.  We will also be having an ICE CREAM SOCIAL along with the meeting.  Please join us for the business and the fun!

VBS KICKOFF AND ALL CHURCH PICNIC  There will be a VBS kickoff next Sunday at the Carthage Municipal Park with a pool party and rides at Kiddieland.  Registration for VBS starts at 3:30 at the Pavilion just north of the pool.  The kids will receive buttons to wear that allows them access to all the rides at Kiddieland until 5:00 pm.  The CHURCH PICNIC starts at 5:00 and goes to 6:30 and everything will be provided.  Bring a hungry stomach and a lawn chair.  The pool is reserved for all of us from 6:00 to 8:00 pm., so be sure to bring your swimsuits and towels.  Join us for this fun filled day for everyone.   

VBS, JULY 29-AUG. 2  At Sky VBS the kids will discover that by trusting God everything is possible.  A light dinner will be served each evening at 5:30 and VBS will be from 6:00 to 8:00.  We have a website where you can register your child or yourself (if you want to volunteer).  Please check it out and get registered early.  We always need volunteers for VBS.  If you have never volunteered before, I know you will enjoy it!  You can also check out the volunteer opportunities at the Education Station in the narthex.  This is the link to get registered online for VBS:   

VBS WORK DAY  Saturday, July 28, there will be a work day to build a fabulous set for VBS.  All ages are needed.  Please bring your tools and creativity.  It starts at 9:00 am.

SOCKS AND UNDIES  The VBS will be collecting all sizes of socks and undies for children in the Carthage R-9 school district for Bright Futures.  You can place them in the Crosslines Can located in the Narthex.  The offerings from VBS and Sunday School will be going towards new playground equipment for the church grounds.

BLOOD MOBILE here in our parking lot Sunday, July 29, from 8:30 am. to 12:30 pm.  Please give if you can.  The supply during the summer is always low.  There is a free cholesterol screening to those to donate.

THANK YOU  Thank you so very much for all your cards, thoughts and prayers at the recent passing of my mother.  I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and feel very blessed to be a part of the Good Shepherd family!                     ~ Sandy D.

CD’S AND TAPES OF THE SERVICE  Audio tapes and CD’s of the service are available after the service each Sunday.  They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex. 

ASSISTIVE LISTENING  If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers.  They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are available in the narthex after the service.  You will be given a small form that can be carried in your wallet which will include medical information and a log of your blood pressure readings.

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace.  We have had reports and words of thanks from folks being blessed by this outreach ministry.