Announcements — June 12, 2022

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Jan G., recovering from shoulder joint replacement surgery; Rhonda N., dealing with health issues from hyperthyroidism; Maggie C., recovering from COVID; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† 2022 VBS  Believe it or not, VBS is right around the corner.  If you haven’t already marked your calendar, VBS is scheduled for Sunday, July 24 – Thursday, July 28, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.  Student registration is NOW OPEN, and we    can’t wait to know who will be joining us for the fun this summer!  Student   registration pages are available in the Christian Education area outside the  sanctuary if you prefer to complete a printed form.  Or you may also register at: you would like to receive this year’s VBS T-shirt please make sure to register by July 5.  It’s also not too late to volunteer!  If you are interested in helping, you can also submit a Volunteer form at the website listed above, or complete the form available in the narthex (You don’t have to do both).  We would love to have your help!!  If you have questions you can contact Petra M., 

† THE FLOWER CHART has several empty spots coming up.  If your would like to put flowers on the altar please sign up on the list hanging on the wall by the water fountain.  It’s a wonderful way to honor a loved one, celebrate a special occasion, or to say “thank you, Lord” for blessings received.

† SUNDAY SCHOOL  This summer Good Shepherd will take a break from Sunday School Classes.  Sunday School will kick off again with Rally Day on Sunday,   September 11.  Adult Bible Class will continue during the summer.

† PORTALS OF PRAYER  The new Portals of Prayer for the Summer are on the  table by the nursery in the narthex.