Announcements — May 22, 2022

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Jan G., recovering from shoulder joint replacement surgery; Rhonda N., dealing with health issues from hyperthyroidism; Maggie C., recovering from COVID; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† 2022 VBS, “Tree of Life”, has been scheduled for July 24 – 28.  There is a VBS table set up in the narthex to help us start to prepare for VBS.  We would love for anyone who thinks they would be able to help to pick up a volunteer sign   up sheet off the table and fill it out. If you have questions you can contact Petra M., 

† OFFERING PLATE  We have decided to begin passing the offering plate again as opposed to leaving it at the back of the sanctuary.  Do not be alarmed if the plate is passed to you.  We plan on passing it to everyone.

† SUNDAY SCHOOL  This summer Good Shepherd will take a break from Sunday School Classes.  The break will begin next Sunday May 29.  Sunday School will kick off again with Rally Day on Sunday, September 11.  Watch the summer Newsletters and bulletins for other summer opportunities for children.  Adult Bible Class will continue during the summer.

† PORTALS OF PRAYER  The new Portals of Prayer for the spring are on the table by the nursery in the narthex.