Announcements — September 19, 2021

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Maggie C., hospitalized with COVID; Jan G., recovering from knee surgery; Nolan P., recovering from open heart     surgery; Karen P., recovering from open heart surgery; Ruth B., recovering at home from surgery to remove a tumor on her voice box;             Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† HOMECOMING RALLY DAY  Thanks to everyone who helped out with the Homecoming Rally Day last Sunday.  Everyone enjoyed trivia, a delicious lunch, and many pies were auctioned off.  It was a wonderful day of celebrating the new Sunday School year!

† JR CONFIRMATION CLASS is being held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation will be provided to each new Confirmand, but each student will need to bring their own Bible to class. 

† SAVE THE DATE  Lacy E., Pharmacist at Express RX, will be offering flu shots after the service on Sunday, October 10 at the church. 

† PORTALS OF PRAYER  The new Portals of Prayer for the Fall are on the table by the nursery in the narthex.

† LWML QUARTERLIES for the Fall are available on the table by the nursery in the narthex.


             Sermon note sheets (intended for the Confirmation students) can be found on the table by the sound booth.  

             We are now printing large print bulletins. 

              The rows in the back half of the sanctuary remain roped for those for whom spacing is a concern. 

       The offering plate is located at the back of the sanctuary. 

       If you would like to offer any feedback we would welcome it.