Announcements — April 4, 2021

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Ruth B., recovering at home from surgery to remove a tumor on her voice box; Miles P., recovering at home from heart surgery; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† VBS BULLETIN BOARD  Plans for this year’s VBS, which will be held July 25-29, are underway!  Check out the Christian Education bulletin board in the Narthex.  If you are willing to help with VBS this year please be sure to complete the    VBS Volunteer Sign-up Form located on the table under the bulletin board.   The sooner we know who is willing to help, the easier the planning process is.   A volunteer meeting is scheduled to follow Sunday School on April 18.

† SUNDAY SCHOOL will start to split into two groups after Easter.  We will have     a group for the older students, 3rd grade and above, and a group for those younger than 3rd grade.  We would love to offer a High School class as well for those interested.  Hope to see you at Sunday School!

† TINY TOT SUNDAY SCHOOL is being offered the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month in the nursery classroom by Doug and Peggy S.  It is a 15 minute class to get the little ones used to coming to Sunday School. 

† THANK YOU  Christian Education would like to extend a thank you to everyone who participated in donating to the Easter egg treats this year.  We had a    wonderful variety of candy and treasures to fill up the eggs!

† PORTALS OF PRAYER  The new Portals of Prayer for the spring are on the table by the nursery in the narthex.

† PEW SPACING  We have removed the every-other pew restriction from the pews in the front half of the sanctuary.  When attendance is higher and if       spacing is not a priority for you, consider moving to the front to leave more    room for others in the back.