Announcements — January 15, 2012

IN OUR PRAYERS Tom D., recovering from a knee replacement; Don H., undergoing treatment for cancer; Sue V., recovering at home.

FAYE KLEEMAN was received into the arms of her Lord on Jan. 9, 2012 at the age of 85. A funeral service was held on Friday, Jan. 13, at Daniel Funeral Home in Lamar. Interment was at Lake Cemetery. We pray for comfort for Faye’s family.

70 & OVER DINNER Next Sunday, Jan. 22, at 5:00 pm, all members (and their spouses) that are 70 years of age and over are invited to attend the annual dinner prepared and served especially for them by the Youth Group. Not only will they be waited on and served a wonderful meal, they will be entertained, too. So, folks, watch for your personal invitation from the Youth Group. Do you need a ride or the meal delivered to your home? That can be provided ~ just relay that to any member of the Youth Group or let the church office know. This special event is always a lot of fun for both the younger members and the older members. We hope you can attend!

THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet this evening at 7:00. All newly elected officers and board chairmen are part of the church council and are asked to attend. Voters’ Meeting will be on Sunday evening, Jan. 29.

THE ELDERS will meet next Monday evening, the 23rd, at 7:00 pm rather than the regularly scheduled meeting for this Monday.

CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS The 2011 contribution statements have been printed and will be handed out the next couple of weeks.

CROSSLINES WORK DAY is this Friday beginning at 8:00 am. Contact Nan Borg, 437-9886, if you are interested helping.

WEEKLY BUDGETED NEEDS Please take note that we will need approximately $243.00 more each week to meet the congregation’s adopted budget for 2012. Thank you.

FLOWER CHART There are lots of empty spaces on the flower chart, so if you would like to place flowers at the altar for a special occasion or in memory of someone, please sign the chart hanging on the wall next to the water fountain in the hallway. Simply write your name, phone number, and occasion with the pen provided.

THE PORTALS OF PRAYER and the LWML QUARTERLY are on the table in the narthex. Please help yourself.

CD’S AND TAPES OF THE SERVICE Audio tapes and CD’s of the service are available after the 8:15 am service each Sunday. They are located in the glassed-door cabinet in the narthex.

ASSISTIVE LISTENING If you are having a hard time hearing the service, assistive listening devices are available from the ushers. They work like a transistor radio and you can control the volume.

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are available in the narthex after each service. You will be given a small form that can be carried in your wallet which will include medical information and a log of your blood pressure readings.

PRAYER BEARS are in the sanctuary pews and available to be signed out (notebook in narthex) and given to anyone that needs God’s love, comfort, and peace. We have had reports and words of thanks from folks being blessed by this outreach ministry.