Announcements — September 13, 2020

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Jack H., at St. Luke’s in Carthage; Bonnie L., at Oak Pointe, Carthage; Stephen Ministry and their care receivers.

† WEDNESDAY MORNING CHURCH  This Wednesday, September 16, at 11:00 am is our next Wednesday morning worship service.  This service  is one where attendees wear masks and it is not a communion service.  The plan at this time is to offer this service on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. The service will adopt the readings and message of the previous Sunday. 

† THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY is meeting downstairs in the fellowship hall on Thursdays at 10:00 am.  We are spreading the tables out in an effort to maintain distance and we are wearing masks. Refreshments will not be served.

† THANKS to Bill & Rosann C. for installing the purse hangers in the women’s bathrooms!

† FEEDBACK  The various individuals involved in making decisions at church would appreciate any comments and feedback you may have about what the church is doing or what might be helpful. You can always email or call the church.  The more information we have the better we can make decisions to serve the congregation’s needs. Thank you.


13– Betty E.
14– Sara T.
16– Michael W.
17– Nicole B.
18– Ila R. (3)
20– Darrell K.

15– Ron & Shirley N.

† ALTAR FLOWERS  Today’s altar flowers are given to God’s  glory by Darrell and Jill K. in honor of Darrell’s birthday.                              


Sunday                         9:00 am  Worship Service with Holy Communion

                                        10:30 am  Adult Bible Class & Sunday School

Monday                         6:00 pm GSLC Friends Bible Study

Tuesday                         6:30 am  Men’s Bible Study

                                          5:30 pm  Stephen Ministry

Wednesday            11:00 am  Worship Service

Thursday                  10:00 am  Bible Study and Fellowship

Next Sunday       9:00 am  Worship Service with Holy Communion

           10:30 am  Adult Bible Class & Sunday School