Rally Day Round-up and Chuck Wagon Dinner Sept. 12

Rally Day, the day the Sunday School children celebrate the beginning of a new Sunday school year.  Some will change rooms, while others might stay in the same room one more year, but all will have new “classmates”.  It’s a fun day, an exciting day.
There are big plans for this year.  It’s a Rally Day Round-up with a Chuck Wagon Lunch.  We want everyone to take part in this year’s event.  It’s promising to be a rootin’-tootin’ cowboy/girl good time.  So kids, parents, and all you Good Shepherd cowpokes, dress in your western attire and join the fun.

Lunch will be served after the second service chuck wagon style with chili and ham/beans.  Just rustle up a side dish or a dessert, bring it with you and join us for some cowpoke grub. 

After lunch is when the real fun begins.  There will be horse and buggy rides, train rides, an inflatable bounce room, a snow-cone vendor, and games.  Of course it wouldn’t be Rally Day without the always exciting, and beautiful balloon launch. 

So, pardners, corral your youngins’, and mosey on down to the fellowship hall for the Rally Day Round-up and Chuck Wagon lunch.