Announcements — August 16, 2015

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Sandy L., in the hospital, in Springfield, suffering sever back and leg pain; Ruth H., Jack H., Letitia L., Carol L., Stephanie S. recovering at home; Raymond S., rehabbing after a fall; Paula B., April K., Sara P., Sara T., undergoing treatment for cancer.

† BACK TO TWO SERVICES  Starting Sunday, September 6, we will return to our regular two services.  Worship services will be at 8:15 and 10:45 am with Sunday School and Adult Bible Class at 9:30 am.

† LYF SWIM NIGHT  Today at 5:30 pm, there will be a LYF swim night hosted by the G.s.  Hot dogs and drinks will be provided and the  youth should bring a side to share.  Parents are invited because we will have a short meeting to discuss another fundraising option, upcoming activities for the rest of the year, and registration deadlines for the 2016 National Youth Gathering.

† SUNDAY SCHOOL/CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MEETING  There will be a short meeting today, right after the Sunday School hour, to discuss plans for rally day, which will be held August 30, and class divisions for the fall quarter.  All those helping with our Christian Education or interested in helping are encouraged to attend.

† THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY   Starting this week, our Thursday Morning Bible Study will become Tuesday Morning Bible Study.  The group will now meet every Tuesday morning, starting with August 18, from 9:30 – 10:30 am.

† SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY has been set for Sunday, August 30. There will be a kick-off event and special activities during Sunday School.  Also, the children will be singing with the Shepherd’s Strings during the service that morning.  The theme for Rally Day is Noah’s Arc so join us for some fun water games and food at the carnival which will happen right after the Sunday School hour, around 11:30 am.

† MEAL DELIVERY  Our week to deliver meals for the Over-60 Center is this week, August 17-21.  If you can help with this worthwhile project, please contact Betty E.

† STEPHEN MINISTRY REPRESENTATIVES will be available today after the worship service in the conference room to answer questions and provide information for anyone wanting to know more about this incredible ministry.

† STEPHEN MINISTRY CLASSES will be starting in September.  Anyone    planning to participate in these classes is invited to a schedule planning meeting on Sunday, August 23, during the Sunday School hour.

† GSLC FALL PORK COOK OUT AND MUSIC FESTIVAL has been scheduled for Sunday, September 27, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.  Please, save the date on your calendar.

† 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY INVITATION  Many of us may remember Paul & Gladys D.  They will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary with an open house today from 2-4 pm at Diamond Memorial Hall.

† AN INVITATION FROM PASTOR SCHUMACHER  At 2:00 pm today, the members of Grace Lutheran Church in Aurora will be having a special “Service of Thanksgiving and Praise.”  The occasion is to celebrate with  Pastor Schumacher the loving kindness and tender mercies our Lord has extended to him during his fifty years of ministry.