In Their Own Words

Excerpts from a few 2014 midweek school reports:

… In Midweek School I learned that fear means love.  When they say, “You should fear God” which that means you should love him not be scared of him.  I really like that they use a strong word like fear not just love.

Jensyn E.

… I love Midweek.  It’s fun to do cool big kid things and use big kid tools.  My favorite thing is learning about Jesus and God.  I get to see so many people here at church.  Church is the best place to be when you need God.  I hope someday you feel that way too.

Emmalee W.

… In Midweek class we read about the ten commandments and their meanings like one was about the 7th  commandment, You shall not steal.  The story was about Zacchaeus.  The whole point to get was, We should fear and love God so that we do not take our neighbor’s money or possessions, or get them in any dishonest way, but help him to improve and protect his possessions and income.

Jayden E.