Announcements — June 15, 2014

† IN OUR PRAYERS  The L. family, at the loss of Robert L.Ruth B.,at Cox South; Paula B.,Mary C., Mike D., and Tim S., undergoing treatment for  cancer.

† MEAL DELIVERY  Our week to deliver meals for the Over-60 Center is this week, June 16 – 20.  If you can help with this worthwhile project, please contact Betty E.

† GEARING UP FOR VBS  This year’s Vacation Bible School, Weird Animals, will run from July 27-31.  Christian Education would like to get shirts for all the children attending and all the adults volunteering this year.  There is an order form on the round table in the narthex where you can designate your size if you plan on attending.  Also, be looking for information coming soon about the VBS kick-off event scheduled for Sunday, July 13.

† VBS FOOD DONATIONS  If you would like to donate food supplies for this year’s VBS dinners, there is a sign-up sheet on the round table.  There is also a container for the supplies under the coat rack in the narthex.

† SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTATION  On Sunday, June 29, during the service, the Sunday School children will be providing a short patriotic presentation in honor of the Fourth of July.

† RETIREMENT RECOGNITION  Earl K.’s retirement from Carthage Counseling will be recognized at an open house hosted by his associates on Tuesday, June 24, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, at the Good Shepherd Fellowship Hall.  Everyone is invited.  Cards only.  Food provided.

† UNITED IN MARRIAGE  We congratulate Meghan W. and Josh V. who were united in marriage here at Good Shepherd on Saturday,    June 7.  Meghan is the daughter of Tom and Janet W. and granddaughter of Edwin and Lawana L.  May the Lord bless their life together as     husband and wife.

† PORTALS OF PRAYER  You will find the newest edition of the Portals of Prayer on the table by the nursery in the narthex.

† LWML QUARTERLIES  The new Quarterlies are on the table by the nursery in the narthex.  Ladies, remember to pick one up!

† THE WEDNESDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE STUDY will not meet this Wednesday, June 18.

† THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORD  Lee Ann B. is leading a Bible Study during the summer months when we have one service.  The topic of this study is from the Lutheran Hour resources and is called “Intersection  Between Church and State”.  The class is held in the conference room from 8:00 am – 8:45 am on Sunday mornings before the 9:00 am service.  If you have any questions, please contact Lee Ann.

† COMING SOON  Pastor Schnackenberg is planning a presentation of  the trip to Germany.  Be watching for more details coming soon!

† LUTHERAN HOUR INFORMATION TABLE  During the month of June,  a variety of information and products provided by the Lutheran Hour Ministries will be displayed on the round table in the narthex.  If you have any questions about the Lutheran Hour Ministries contact Lee Ann Beshears at (417)310-2923.

SIMPLY GIVING is an automated giving program, provided through Thrivent, available at GSLC for members that wish to have their weekly or monthly contributions deducted from their checking account.  It is an easy way to make your