Announcements — March 23, 2014

† IN OUR PRAYERS  Savanna J., undergoing tests; Walter R., undergoing surgery this week; Fern H., at Webb City Health and Rehab; Mike D., Tim S., Lois H. (Pastor and Mary’s sister), Andrea H. (Joann W.’s mother), and Paula B., undergoing treatment for cancer.

† JR CONFIRMATION RETREAT  There are seven youth and two adult counselors attending the Jr Confirmation Retreat at Camp Windermere beginning Friday of this week.  Please pray for both the youth and their adult counselors as they travel, spend time together, and grow in their relationship with each other and with their Savior.  They will return Sunday afternoon.

† WEEK LENTEN SERVICES  We are having midweek Lenten services on Wednesdays at 11:00 am & 7:00 pm during the Lenten season.  Portions of the Passion story of Jesus will be read during each service.

† WEDNESDAY TIME CHANGES FOR LENT  Band practice will remain at 5:30 pm.  Jr. Confirmation and all other activities will begin at 6:00 pm in order to allow everyone to attend the Midweek Lenten services.

† MIDWEEK CLASSES  We will not be having Midweek Classes through the Lenten season.

† CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MEETING today after the late service.  There will be a light lunch provided.

† EASTER LILIES  If you would like to purchase one or more lilies to help adorn our sanctuary on Easter, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex.  The cost is $8.00 each.  Please pay Diana E. 

† EASTER BREAKFAST SIGN UP  The Easter breakfast sign up sheet is in the narthex on the round table.  Please take a moment to check it over and then put your name by what you are willing to bring. 

† EASTER EGG HUNT  The LYF will be filling the plastic eggs for the annual Sunday School Easter Egg hunt.  They are asking the congregation for donations of bags of individually wrapped candy, small prizes, or rolls of nickels/dimes.  Your donations can be placed in the container provided in the youth room or they can be dropped off in the church office.  Thanks for your help with this project!

† VBS PLANNING MEETING  Next Sunday there will be a Vacation Bible School planning meeting after the late service.  Anyone interested in helping will VBS this year is encouraged to attend!

† FOOD DRIVE  Bright Futures Carthage, an organization that sends food snack packs home from school on the weekends with children in need, is running low on food supplies.  Nicole B. helps with this organization and would like to have a food drive here at Good Shepherd through April 20.  There is a list of items needed hanging on the Christian Education bulletin board and on the round table in the narthex.  If you would like to help out, you can place your donations in the container provided in the narthex.  If you have questions you can contact Nicole.  Thanks for your help!

† BIBLE STUDY  Christian Education is looking at putting together a bible study for GSLC “seasoned” members.  If you are interested in being a part of this, contact Earl Kirn at the church, (417)358-1325.

† PORTALS OF PRAYER  You will find the newest edition of the Portals of Prayer on the table by the nursery in the narthex.

† LWML QUARTERLIES  The new Quarterlies are on the table by the nursery in the narthex.  Ladies, remember to pick one up!