
Celebrate the Savior – Jesus Gives Us Joy

At Celebrate the Savior VBS, children look into the Bible, God’s Word, and discover that Jesus gives us the joy of eternal life with Him! Our loving God has given us so much to celebrate—family, friends, food, and especially forgiveness through faith in Jesus, our Savior. As kids   explore five key events in the life of Jesus, they will discover how the love of Jesus fills us with joy.

■  Wise Men from the East followed a special star to the place where Jesus was born. Filled with joy, they bowed down to worship Jesus and offered Him gifts.

■  Four friends brought a man to Jesus for healing. Jesus, our best Friend, amazed everyone by healing both his body and his heart!

■  The disciples didn’t know how they would feed the crowd. Jesus showed that He provides for all our needs, both for this life and for life eternal.

■  When Jesus died, His friends were filled with sadness. Then Jesus rose, and their sadness turned into joy! Jesus saves us, giving us hope and new life!

■  Jesus’ followers couldn’t see why He had to die. After He rose, He opened their eyes to see how He had overcome sin and death. His love gives us joy!

At the center of every story is the message that God has come to save us. Every aspect of Jesus’ life leads, in some way, to our salvation. We are looking forward to spending time with the kids this summer as we Celebrate the Savior, Jesus!


Vacation Bible School

Believe it or not, VBS is right around the corner. If you haven’t already marked your calendar, VBS is scheduled for Sunday, July 21 –Thursday, July 25, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Join us Sunday, July 21 for a kick-off at 4:00 pm. This year there will be a dinner each evening at 5:00 pm before the activities begin, Student registration is NOW OPEN, and we can’t wait to know who will be joining us for the fun this summer! Student registration pages are available in the Christian Education area outside the Sanctuary if you prefer to complete a printed form. Or you may also register at: .

We are also looking for volunteers! If you are interested in helping, please complete the form available in the narthex. We would love to have your help!!

Summer Sunday School Is Back!!!

Sunday School will have its last regular session on Sunday, May 19.  There will be a one week break for Memorial Day weekend so there will not be Sunday School on May 26.

Starting June 2nd, we will combine all ages into one group.  Join us for a summer of games, challenges, prizes, and crafting as we study the fruits of the Spirit during the Sunday School hour.


VBS 2024

Save the date

This year’s Vacation Bible School will be held Sunday, July 21 -Thursday, July 25, in the evening. The theme this year is “Celebrate the Savior”. We’re having a party – a party to celebrate the Savior – and you’re invited! It will be a fun-filled week of learning about God’s love. Of all the blessings God gives us, His Son, Jesus, is the biggest reason to celebrate.