Sunday School Sings
Our Sunday School children will be singing in the service on Sunday, May 1. They enjoy sharing what they’ve been working on in opening with the congregation.
Our Sunday School children will be singing in the service on Sunday, May 1. They enjoy sharing what they’ve been working on in opening with the congregation.
Save the date
This year’s Vacation Bible School will be held Sunday, July 24 -Thursday, July 28, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. The theme this year is “Tree of Life”. We look forward to a wonderful week of discovering God’s promise of salvation!
This summer Good Shepherd will take a break from Sunday School Classes. The break will begin after Sunday May 22. Sunday School will kick off again with Rally Day on Sunday, September 11. Watch the summer Newsletters and bulletins for other summer opportunities for children.
The Coffee pot is always on
The GSLC Friends home Bible Study invites you to join us. We are a small informal group that meets most Monday nights at Karen P.’s home. Come visit beginning around 6:30 pm with Bible study beginning at 7:00 pm. We try to keep class to an hour if at all possible.
The class continues to study the series from CPH, “Heroes of the Faith”. The current section is entitled “Intrepid Heroes”, and includes Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, and more. We move through the study of each hero as quickly or slowly as our thoughts and questions allow. From God’s calling of each hero to their answers and actions we learn how God has accomplished great things through ordinary people who often initially don’t want to answer His call. Through our discussions we learn a great deal about their way of life and how it relates to us today. No question is considered unreasonable and together we research the answers.
There is a play room for the kids if you want to bring them. When kids join us we bring them in the last few minutes for a devotion from the book “Little Visits with God” and then close with a prayer together. With weather and flu/covid etc., it’s a good idea to check with Karen ahead of time before attending.